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I set out to find the connection among the investment in the health, education, and overall happiness of human captial within five countries:

United States, South Korea, Japan, Switzerland, United Kingdom


I chose these five countries because they are all reasonably industrialized, therefore this research won't be one that compares apples to oranges, core countries to unindustrialized countries, but a equal playing field of countries that are considered economically similar.


To reseach investment in health, I studied the obesity levels of each country. I chose this medium because obesity isn't an isolated issue but an issue common among almost all core countries.

To research investment in education, I studied the average number of years of formal education taken within a country. I chose this over studying the literacy rate because of these five countries have extremely similar literacy rates but not similar rates of furthering education.

To research investment in overall satisfaction, or happiness, I studied the self-declared levels of happiness of the populations of each of the five countries.



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